Star wars sun crusher
Star wars sun crusher

On a site full of nerdy debates, this might be the nerdiest.Īuthor suspiciouscoffee Time 1 10:24 PM (Edited) Post link Author DuracellEnergizer Time 1 3:33 AM Post linkĪuthor TV's Frink Time 1 7:36 AM Post link Survived a shot from a Death Star (Albeit a prototype), designed to cause super Novas, and could only be destroyed by being thrown into a black hole (Though I have my doubts that it was actually destroyed).ĮDIT: Yes, that’d be a good way to describe it.Īuthor Frank your Majesty Time 1 3:18 AM Post linkĬeci n’est pas une signature. I’m not a fan of the weapon it’s hard to keep the stakes meaningful when a starfighter sized, indestructible ship capable of causing supernovas enters the scene.Īuthor DuracellEnergizer Time 1 1:36 AM Post linkĪh, so the Suncrusher is the Silver/Bronze Age Superman of the SW Universe?Īuthor flametitan Time 1 2:36 AM (Edited) Post linkīehold the ultimate weapon in the universe. Sun Crusher would win in a fight easily it’d just shrug off the hyperspace laser of Starkiller Base and then proceed to supernova the fuel supply. Prequel Fan-Edit thread: Author flametitan Time 1 1:13 AM Post link Same here, although I bought splinter of the mind’s eye before reading the Thrawn Trilogy but that’s it Sidenote, Kylo Ren’s look is very close to what I had in my head for Kyp Durron.Īuthor Smithers Time 1 12:26 AM Post link DuracellEnergizer Author joefavs Time 1 10:29 PM Post link

star wars sun crusher

If Plagueis shows up in the ST, not only will I refuse to watch the movies, but I won't so much as watch the trailers, either. Author darklordoftech Time 1 10:24 PM Post link I will disengage self-destruct initiative. It’s too bad they apparently felt they couldn’t borrow the Sun Crusher wholesale from the old EU when making TFA, or we’d have been in for a more straightforward and less utterly implausible transhyperspace doomsday device.

star wars sun crusher

That said, if a Google search is anything to go off of, I’d say Starkiller easily.

star wars sun crusher

I’ve never read any EU outside of the Thrawn trilogy (not because I don’t want to, but because I can never find any pre-PT EU at bookstores here) I admit that.Īuthor suspiciouscoffee Time 1 9:17 PM Post link Prequel Fan-Edit thread: Author IKnowWhatYouDidLastSummer Time 1 9:16 PM Post link You could describe it in your first post rather than exclude the majority of us Author TV's Frink Time 1 8:55 PM Post link

star wars sun crusher

Those not familiar with the EU will have no idea what I am talking about.Īuthor Bingowings Time 1 8:55 PM Post link Author IKnowWhatYouDidLastSummer Date 1, 8:53 PM Author IKnowWhatYouDidLastSummer Time 1 8:53 PM Post link

Star wars sun crusher